Rhys Tanner, '25 | Our son is very mature for his age and has done very well in his studies. Because of his involvement in student government, hockey and other extracurricular activities as well as being associated with a school that has a solid Christian tradition, our son has been offered full tuition scholarships to two of the private universities that he applied to. He will graduate high school with over 36 hours of college credit which will allow him to graduate with a bachelor's degree in 3 years. Between the scholarship and already having a year of transferable credits allowing him to graduate in 3 years, this represents around $170,000 of savings for his bachelor's degree he will be pursuing. His time at Notre Dame is laying down a solid foundation for a successful adult life. |
Gianna Falleti, '26 | Sofia Falleti, '27 | Our children, as well as all of the students at ND, are supported, yet challenged to be the best students they can be. One of our favorite attributes is that students are held accountable for their learning, time management, and organization. These are life skills they need to be successful. The standards are set high and the student success both academically and athletically speaks for itself. Our experience at Notre Dame has been excellent. I am a 1997 graduate of NDHS and then continued to be part of the school as the varsity cheerleading coach for 4 years (Michelle). Vinny has coached modified, JV and currently varsity girls basketball at NDHS. Our 2 daughters, Gianna and Sofia, thrive at Notre Dame. The school provides an environment that instills values, faith, good character, and a strong education while holding students accountable in a small learning environment. It is a "family" like atmosphere where the teachers and administration are engaged in both academics and athletics. |
Aydn Horzempa, '26 | Aydn's Notre Dame journey started his freshman year. After being homeschooled his entire elementary and middle school years it was tough trying decide where he would flourish. Well it didn't take long at all for Aydn to fit right in and start to excel. The faculty and staff were fantastic in helping him get adjusted. He has maintained excellent grades and is thriving at Notre Dame. He has grown as a young man and as a student. I believe the teachers have had a great impact on him caring about his grades and work. |
Alyssa Salamone, '27 | "I love coming to Notre Dame every day, seeing teachers and my classmates. It makes me feel comfortable." Notre dame has provided a structured environment to develop critical thinking skills. And build confidence through achievement and social interaction. Notre Dame also provides faith and strong education. Notre Dame has impacted my life in so many ways I’ve learned a lot of new things and made some great friends along the way it’s where I get to challenge myself and grow everyday. |
Grady Liebler, '30 | Our experience has been wonderful from receiving the acceptance letter to having a blast at the Meat Raffle. But one thing that stands out is when I attended parent/teacher conferences with my son Grady Liebler. And on numerous occasions I received the greatest compliment for my son..."Grady is a wonderful addition to Notre Dame" ❤️☘️ Our son Grady is just in his first year at Notre Dame but having experienced the culture of N.D. and being introduced to Catholic Citizenship is a blessing. His faith in God is real. And since joining the Notre Dame family his confidence within himself is grown. God told me to make a change for my son, I'm glad I listened. |