As Notre Dame joins the nation in honoring Black History Month, we invite students to participate in our Black History Month Essay Contest—a chance to reflect on the rich legacy, achievements, and impact of black history.
Essay Prompt: "What Does Black History Mean to Me?"
This is an opportunity for students to explore the significance of black history in their lives, communities, and beyond. We encourage personal reflections, historical connections, and creative storytelling that highlight the importance of black heritage and its continued influence today.
Essay Prompt: "What Does Black History Mean to Me?"
This is an opportunity for students to explore the significance of black history in their lives, communities, and beyond. We encourage personal reflections, historical connections, and creative storytelling that highlight the importance of black heritage and its continued influence today.
Contest DetailsEligibility: All students currently enrolled and attending Notre Dame Jr/Sr High School Word Count: Middle School 500 words or less, High School 750-1,000 words Format: Essay must be double spaced, size 12 font (Arial, Times Roman, or Calibri). Only digital submissions will be accepted in Word, Google Doc, or PDF format. Submission: Submissions must be received through the the entry form, using your school-issued email address. | Judging CriteriaContent & Relevance (Thoughtful response to the prompt) Organization & Structure (Clear, well-organized writing) Grammar & Mechanics (Proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar) Creativity, Originality, & Expression (Unique voice and perspective) Prizes & RecognitionThe winner of the middle and high school contests will receive a special award and have their essays published on the website. |
We encourage all students to take part in this meaningful celebration of black history. This contest is more than an essay—it’s a chance to share your voice, honor the past, and inspire the future. For more details, visit the counseling office during a study period.